Endnote 20 icon
Endnote 20 icon

endnote 20 icon endnote 20 icon

Once the download is complete, click Show in Folder or Open Folder.Click on the Windows Installer link above.

endnote 20 icon

Be sure to close Microsoft Word and other Microsoft Office programs before beginning.

  • When complete, you will see a paperclip icon alongside any references where the full text has been found.The exact installation steps vary depending on what browser you use and settings on your computer.
  • In the left panel under Find Full Text, EndNote will indicate that it is searching and how many full text publications were found.
  • Enter your ACU username and password when prompted.
  • Select the Find Full Text icon from the icons at the top right of your reference list (the icon is a document with a magnifying glass and when hovered over says Search the Web for full text documents for the selected references).
  • Select your references in EndNote (use the CTRL key to select multiple references).
  • Once you have enabled the option in the settings, you can now use EndNote to try and find the full text for your references:
  • Select OK to apply your settings and close the preferences box.
  • Go to the Edit menu, then Preferences and select Find Full Text.
  • the reference has enough information (metadata) in its fields.
  • the database allows EndNote to download full text.
  • Keep in mind that EndNote will not find a matching full text for all your references, but only those where: This is useful if you have references for publications but don't have a copy of the full text. The Find Full Text feature enables EndNote to attempt to find full text for your references.

    Endnote 20 icon